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Parsing API

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To use imposm.parser you need to understand three basic concepts: Types, Callbacks and Filter



In this document Node, Way, Relation with a capital refer to the OSM types and node, way, relation refer to the Imposm types.

OSM has three fundamental element types: Nodes, Ways and Relations. imposm.parser distinguishes the OSM Nodes between coords and nodes.

coords only store coordinates and there are coords for every OSM Node. nodes also store tags and there are only nodes for OSM Nodes with tags.


A tuple with the OSM ID, the longitude and latitude of that node.

(4234432, 175.2, -32.1)

imposm.parser will return a coord for each OSM Node, even if this OSM Node is also a node (i.e. it has tags).


A tuple with the OSM ID, a tags dictionary and a nested tuple with the longitude and latitude of that node.

(982347, {'name': 'Somewhere', 'place': 'village'}, (-120.2, 23.21))


A tuple with the OSM ID, a tags dictionary and a list of references.

(87644, {'name': 'my way', 'highway': 'path'}, [123, 345, 567])


A tuple with the OSM ID, a tags dictionary and a list of member tuples. Each member tuple contains the reference, the type (one of ‘node’, ‘way’, ‘relation’) and the role.

(87644, {'type': 'multipolygon'}, [(123, 'way', 'outer'), (234, 'way', 'inner')])


The parser takes four callback functions for each data type (coords, nodes, ways and relations). The callbacks are optional, i.e. you don’t need to pass a relations callback if you are not interested in relations.

The functions should expect a list with zero or more items of the corresponding type.

Here is an example callback that prints the coordinates of all Nodes.

def coords_callback(coords):
  for osm_id, lon, lat in coords:
    print '%s %.4f %.4f' % (osm_id, lon, lat)

Tag filters

Tag filter are functions that manipulate tag dictionaries. The functions should modify the dictionary in-place, the return value is ignored.

Elements will be handled different, if you remove all tags from the dictionary. nodes and relations with empty tags will not be returned, but ways will be, since they might be needed for building relations.

Here is an example filter that filters the tags with a whitelist.

whitelist = set(('name', 'place', 'amenity'))

def tag_filter(tags):
  for key in tags.keys():
    if key not in whitelist:
      del tags[key]
  if 'name' in tags and len(tags) == 1:
    # tags with only a name have no information
    # how to handle this element
    del tags['name']